Why We Are Unique

Posting an ad is 100% free. We cover more cities than any other major classifieds site. We allow you, the users, to search the entire country, state/province, or just your hometown, giving you the flexibility you need. More exposure to ads as our site is neat and well organized with very little advertising. First major classifieds website to offer personalized profile pages for all its registered users, which means even more exposure to your ads. Ebsindiaonline.com offers great customer service, which means we care about our users. Ebsindiaonline supports small entrepreneurs and businesses by providing alternative promotions for their products and services. More refining options than any other major classifieds site, which means you do not need to waste time going through irrelevant ads. Option to subscribe to a registered user’s ads, which means you will be notified every time that user posts a new ad. Options to save your favourite users and ads. Scam/spam prevention – frequent monitoring of ads means less scam/spam on the site. Self-serve banner advertising to get maximum exposure.

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